Friday, December 31, 2010


Ending a chapter leaves you with only two options:

Move on or Stuck on

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Bola ditendang sejauh 100 meter, diterima oleh Safee yang cuba berlari selaju angin. Satu-satunya harimau terakhir dikawasan lawan.

Dikiri cuba merampas. Dikanan cuba menjatuhkan. Dihadapan kelibat gemuruh pertahanan kelihatan. Kaki kiri dihayun sekuat mungkin, sepasti mungkin.



.  .  .  .

Syabas Harimau Malaya. You gave us reasons to be proud for who we are today.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Timur Lesson

Terengganu's vocab:

- Hitang legang
- Putih sepuk
- Kuning sior
- Meroh nyale
- Bulak getey
- Pak segi
- Kerah ketung
- Cair boley
- Tebal na'ung
- Nipih layang
- Panjang jolor
- Pendek sketuk

I suggest you get some assistance for pronunciations, if you really don't wish to see a penyu laughing right at your face.

Good luck. HAHA

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


    I don't sweet talk, 
                    Only truth.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Deep Conversation

Give me a question. ... No, lots of questions!

What kind of question?

Just anything! I need to have a conversation!

.... hmmm .......


Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*

.  .  .  .

This scene normally come into the picture when my good friend is trying to create a connection with this guy she's dating. If I really do treasure my peaceful life, then I need to come up with at least 50 effortlessly-smart questions.

You see, apart from Baby I love you so much I would die for you and Darling I swear you are my only one, you definitely talk about something else right? Unless you're a Shakespeare, you can't bluff me.

The trick of every question is that it will bring out the personality trait of a person indirectly. His or her mentality, perceptions, visions and thoughts; all will complete the pieces of an image as a whole. Questions should not just limit to the likes and dislikes, and of course you could already tell which team he's in if he's wearing a Manchester United shirt. Variety people, variety.


    "Calculate the value of y for which 2 Log 3y - Log 3 (y + 4) = 2"



Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik yang makin kuat*

HAHAHA. Okay serious time.

.  .  .  .

    "Define wealth"

    "Ten Chanel handbags and a Lamborghini? Or love and knowledge?"

It does not take a complicated question to get a simple truth. Understandably,the issue of significance and perspective is rather subjective. I didn't say that you both have to have the same interests. Can you imagine pretending liking a green spinach when your tummy is only craving for a plate of crabs,just for the sake of equal chemistry?

Hensem macam mana pun, pengorbanan ketamku adalah mustahil

Its about having the same vision. No matter which road you both travel, as long as its the same destination; you'll get there.

Eventually, you will see his true colors bit by bit. And you shall know if he will be your rainbow.

.  .  .  .

Babe, my brilliant brain just got this super intelligent question that he will think 'Whoa this girl is something"

Bring it!

How many bulu roma a homosapien has?


*sabun buku Dynamo and penyodok flying to my face*