Monday, February 7, 2011


20 years ago:

Besar besar nanti nak jadi apa?


.  .  .  .


I am proudly floating with my enormous bulky suit, looking at the most prettiest blueberry I have ever seen. Doesn't matter if the solid ground is beyond unreachable. I'm already here.

Photo from Google Images

A dream come true.

Yeah right.

The day I found out that Chemistry subject and I didn't exactly have a chemistry at all, except for the fact that I love using the Bunsen Burner; the dream is pretty much just a dream.

Mimpi la kau Cik Ti oi

.  .  .  .

You finally completed your university life, bought a brand new blazer, and a Ferrari heart-race. Ready to take over the new world.

The first color you're about to paint your own future. The first step of becoming somebody. Super exhilarating. 

Or so you think.

What if it does not work according to your plan? One moment ago you are pretty much sure that you're making the right move. And the next thing you know, your little heart seems to have a doubt. Ended with repeated frustrations. 

But what if you have too much of What If questions?

Lu pikir la sendiri.