Monday, June 6, 2011

Knowing You

Ever wonder why some people just don't get you even though you speak the same language?

Yeah dude, wa mintak karipap dia kasi wa kuih lepat

.  .  .  .

Dr.William Moulton Marston, an American psychologist, feminist theorist, inventor, and comic book writer who created the character Wonder Woman, developed the DiSC model in 1928.

His interest was in understanding and describing how people felt, behaved, and interacted with the world around them, rather than outlining core personality traits which was the focus of most of the other personality assessment models. 

The DiSC model is based on how people behave on 2 dimensions. 
                         Task-Oriented vs. People-Oriented

Depending on where we are on these 2 dimensions, our behavioral tendencies can be described as one or more of the following types:
.   .   .   .

Macam mana nak bilang?

1. Choose which personality suit you best. 
     Task-Oriented   : Work first, people second 
     People-oriented : People first, work second

2. Then pair the above choice with second adjective. 
    Are you...  Reserved or Outgoing

3. Now check yourself out according to this diagram. 
.  .  .  .

If you are:

DOMINANT (Task Oriented+Outgoing)                  
- Direct, Decisive                                                        Cons:
- High ego strength                                                      - Oversteps authority, 
- Problem solver                                                            Argumentative Attitude
- Risk taker, Self-Starter                                                Dislikes routines,
- Innovative                                                                   Attempts too much at once
- Places high value on time                                             
a.k.a Paling gila kuasa

INFLUENCER (People Oriented+Outgoing)
- Enthusiastic                                                              Cons:
- Trusting, Optimistic                                                  - More concerned with popularity,
- Persuasive, Talkative                                                  Inattentive to detail, 
- Impulsive, Emotional                                                  Overly Animated,
- Great encourager                                                       Talks more than listen
- Positive sense of humor
a.k.a Mak rasa mak Diva la nyah

COMPLIANT (Task Oriented+Outgoing)
- Accurate, Analytical                                                 Cons:
- Consciencetious, Careful                                          - Needs clear cut boundaries for action, 
- Fact-finder, Precise                                                    Bound by procedures and methods
- High standardsm Systematic                                       Prefers not to verbalize feelings
- The anchor of reality                                                  Gets bogged down with details
- Defines situations, Tests information
a.k.a Might produce a book "How to follow rules for Dummies"

STEADY (People Oriented+Reserved)
- Good listener, Team player                                      Cons:
- Possessive                                                               - Resists change,
- Understanding, Friendly                                              Gives in too easily
- Reliable, Dependable                                                  Holds grudges
- Patient, Empathetic                                                     Difficulty establishing priorities
- Loyal, Compliant towards authority
a.k.a Juruh sungguh la

Image from Google Images

The differences teaches us to harmonize and value each other. Imagine a world of clones? Bo-ring.
This is your dominant personality. How about meeting your Alter-Ego? 

Itu cerita kita bilang lain hari.