Monday, October 15, 2012

Good 'Ol Times

Celebrated a good friend's convocation some time ago, reminded me of the good times I used to have. Boy, can someone invent the time machine already?

Trust me when you finally start working; with that super long working hours, endless tasks, the pressure of achieving the expectations, yeah add up with the scolds from the bosses, life is not that pretty until your paycheck day to remind you why you're doing what you're doing.

Hari Isnin maki, Selasa marah, Rabu jadi singa, Khamis sudah gila.

At that moment, the only thing you miss the most are your uni years! For one simple reason, the care-free life. Where there are no worries, no obligations, just you worrying over exams and to whom you should throw your laundry to. Plus surrounded by friends that are very much like your family makes life even more beautiful.

Masalah harian cuma fikir nak isi perut dan isi otak.

My pieces are scattered everywhere, since I have always believe in "now or never" thingy. Haha. Sigh,the naivety. I love futsal and dancing, despite I'm not any good in any of it (they said I run like a goose, daymn you). But indeed I did, learnt as much as I could to laugh and cry along the journey.

Perasan lembut gemalai, tapi kayu. Perasan bawak bola,tapi lari berkepak macam angsa. Haha.

After more than a year, feel like walking down the memory lane again;

Irreplaceable moments captured in vivid memories is the best part. With The O.C style dude, can you beat that? Haha.

Inilah hasil apabila menilik gambar lama sambil mendengar lagu sayu dimalam buta.

Photos were taken by an awesome friend cum photographer. Check him out at