Sunday, July 28, 2013


I have always dreams of going up north pole or south pole. For Aurora.

First basic. Say it right. Its Awwww - Rawwrrr - Raaaaa


I'll try to explain (to myself basically) in normal people conversation instead of scientific-I-don't understand-a-thing.

Who / What

- From Latin word
- Meaning: sunrise or Roman goddess of dawn.
- North Pole: known as Aurora Borealis
  South Pole: known as Aurora Australis
- Also known as Dancing Lights


Occur when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with elements in the earth's atmosphere (magnetosphere).

Sir Solar and Madam Magnet keep attracted to each other. They keep colliding and dancing.

There are few layers of atmosphere. The electrons will encounter atoms of oxygen and nitrogen at altitudes from 20 to 200 miles above the earths surface. The color of the aurora depends on which atoms is struck, and the altitude of the meeting.

As the relationship goes deeper, they produce babies of different colors. 

* Green - oxygen, up to 150 miles in altitude

* Red - oxygen, above 150 miles in altitude

* Blue - nitrogen, up to 60 miles in altitude

* Purple/violet - nitrogen, above 60 miles in altitude

So basically its the relationship that sparks beautifully. Such a magical ending.


- During the night. Since the light can't beat the sun lit.
- Best view during winter, as it has long period of darkness and frequency of clear nights.
- Best time to catch the Aurora - during local midnight.

Northern lights - Norway, New Orleans, Canada, Yukon, Alaska, Greenland, Iceland.
Southern lights - Not often seen as they are concentrated in a ring around Antarctica and the southern Indian Ocean
* often occurs near the magnetic poles


Enough babbling. So how beautiful it is? Let me show yahh!

Source: Wikipedia Images

Well, for your information dude, apparently it occur in another planets too. How cool is that?

Source: Wikipedia Images

I'd wait on that ice field for the wholeee night. 

No boy, I ain't close there eyeballs till the lights come dancing magically.

Okay so now let figure how to get myself to that magnetic pole. 


Dear Aurora, someday I will. 
Don't stop dancing until my eyes lay on you.

Information and Images sources: Wikipedia