Friday, October 29, 2010

Cerita Cinta

Ada apa dengan Cinta?

To many, it’s where the prince charming meet the beautiful princess and voila, they live happily ever after.

Sangat indah bukan?

To many, cupid might have cheated a little bit. Allow me to ruin your happy imaginations; his arrows contain Phenylethylamine. In fact, lots of it.

Okay Miss Geek, Penyetlaming what?

You see, love potion does exist in pharmacy lab. It is the natural chemical that causes the common symptoms of love; including sweaty palms, shaky knees and general restlessness. Ever occur a sleepless night over an image of your crush? Cool, your system has just been invaded by this chemical.

And did I mention that Phenylethylamine is found mostly in chocolate? Right, so now you know exactly why chocolate is consider as the perfect romantic gift. Now go and indulge your crush.

Cik Cinta Phenyel ada dua orang kawan baik.

Cik Dopamine, the reason for making us glows and feels good and Encik Norepinephrine, that stimulates the production of adrenaline.

You may blame these three friends; if you are finally aware that your buttocks felt itchy when your crush was passing by or if you finally realized that your eye balls were on him or her for freaking two hours without blinking. Perhaps that would explain why his or her farts smell like blueberries too.

It makes your world go round.

Begitu hebat sekali penangan Cik Cinta Phenyel, Cik Dopam dan Encik Norep.

Infatuation that is. Not Love.

.  .  . 

Kenalkan Cik Endorphins.

This chemical is responsible for a more intimate and steadier relationship, when the infatuation subsides. You will not find yourself smiling over the wall like a distort cat or speak Shakespeare’s language portraying your affection for weeks anymore.

Calmness and stability that it has to offer creates the marriage.

Lagi banyak Cik Endor, lagi banyak Cinta.

What will happen when this chemical starts to worn out by time? Suddenly that favorite pair of eyes seems a bit boring now eh. Or perhaps you will start thinking what have gone wrong in your head when you said she’s the most beautiful woman on earth while Angelina Jolie is still exist.

Apakah kemikel kemikel ini semua?

Wujudkah Cinta?

.  .  .

Has science actually answer every significant creations or reasons? Has science actually come up with an intelligent chemical term to replace the word “Miracle”?

To be foolish over the temporary emotions or to be a realist without all the excitements, one can decide which storyline that he or she chooses to play.

I am however; still hopelessly believe in love despite knowing all the endless arguments of God’s purest gift. For one simple reason.

Kerana Cinta Dia,Yang Maha Esa; aku disini.