Saturday, November 13, 2010


How do you feel when you have to kill yourself?


*Ini perempuan psycho ker gila? Atau kedua-duanya sekali?*


One word: Staggered.

.  .  .

I got my first job!

Alhamdulillah. Mari lompat katak bersama sama.

And the job description requires me to kill my natural character.

Okay mari terjun bangunan bersama sama.

Best known for my reserved personality, I normally have to dig the gold in my mouth to start a conversation. Otherwise smiles are the most common gesture. A friendly-born individual could not possibly understand a quiet-born individual. So let’s leave the judgment.

My mouth is the best asset to win in this sale industry. To fully utilize the asset, I have to come up with a strategy to murder myself.

Padan muka nak challenge sangat kan

So here’s my homicide plan:

1)      Smile. Even if the person is half pony half man.
2)      Firm handshake. Body contact is crucial.
3)      Friendly greeting. Hai cantik anting anting akak hari ini/ How are you?
4)      Get to know their interest. You look like you need something. Perhaps I can help you.
5)      Get to know their interest. More. Ooohhh ahhhh, I see. I definitely can help you one.
6)      Convincing. No worries, saya bukan Ah Long. Saya cuma mau tolong.
7)      Closing. Akak confirm tidak akan menyesal punya. Terima kasih banyak.
8)      Smile. Any Garfield would have slapped you for smiling too wide now.

8 simple steps to conquer the mind of people and make them think, "I totally need this".

Senang yer kak? Mudah sungguh untuk mulut berkata kata

Trust me, if you are good in these, I mean super-damn good; even Warren Buffet would have salute you. And did I mentioned that it was not easy?

Formula untuk berjaya:
Excellent communication skill + confidence = SUCCESS

Dear beloved mouth and brain, please be good to me.

.  .  .

These are my moments of battling with fears. We shall see if I will return as a winner, or as a dead meat.