Saturday, July 23, 2011

Servicing People

"Kau orang tak buat kerja ka? Why on earth do I still haven't got my freaking statement!!?"

"Why is it here so slow? Other place is so much faster."

"I don't care how you do it,I want it right now! I have a lot of money you know,you can check"

. . . .

How would you like to deal with misery for almost everyday? Plus if you're lucky enough you'll get a high frequency voice screaming at your ears.

And yet you are to abide the rules by giving these people a sweet smile and a sweet voice to calm those climbing nerves. 

Walaupun rasa nak tendang jauh jauh

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This is customer service. And I have worked in this industry for a half decade. Customers from Food and Beverage industry to Banking industry. I have met all the angels and devils, well almost.

Let me tell you the real fact. I think I have lost half of my sanity, 5x chances of heart attack, 5 wrinkles under my eyes and 5 fine lines on my forehead.

Tambah lagi 5 tahun cepat mati

Your patience will be tested to the maximum, with some major learning in anger management. Imagine one minute you were having such a good conversation with one good person, and the next thing you know there is some maniac ready to cut your head off.

Well another fact is that you are paid to deal with variance of emotions, by sticking to the common ground rules of customer service.

Rule 1: "Customer is always right"
if customer is wrong;
Rule 2: "Customer is still and will always be right"

Yeah, try to have that upset mouth watering your face with the smelly saliva and bugging your brain with the ridiculous complaints while sticking to that rule. It ain't easy dude, it ain't easy.

Jantung confirm bergerak laju macam masuk marathon mengenangkan betapa bengong manusia ni

.  .  .  .

Being a consumer myself, I know I am one particular customer. But when things are not rightfully done, ask properly. Customer service is just a stop-center for queries and complaints. Their job is to receive and accept every fault being put on their shoulder for other people's mistakes. Just because you have the right to defend your rights, that doesn't mean you may disrespect others. By being nice and say thank you,that surely will light up their day.

Image from

Friday, July 22, 2011


bukan berpajak pada tubuh yang sasa,
bukan lahir dari kata yang dusta,
bukan hasil dari ego yang terbina. 

Mampu mu kerana berpijak pada yang nyata
tunduknya kita hanya pada Yang Maha Kuasa.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I figured I wanted an exquisite Monday few weeks ago. So I opted to have a brainstorming evening with the First Man.

.  .  .  .

An evening with the Prime Minister, in collaboration with Young Corporate Malaysians (YCM).

Since the main highlights (well as you can see in the pictures), the night was all about economy. I just had to do some checking with my brain if it could recall the word of macro and micro economics. Please-lah, the least I could do was to look least like a lost bimbo.There were like a thousand of young knowledgeable lads for God sake! 

If it happens to be a person asking me,"So you think we could reverse the CPI and inflation index by implementing some relevant fiscal policy?"

"Hmm, it's certainly not impossible, let me get back to you on that". 
Halimunan-kan diri sendiri disebalik pasu pokok

There he was, the current First Man of Malaysia; Najib. Originally the idea was for him to elaborate and answering questions regarding the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and New Economic Model (NEM). I was expecting a very technical lecture; analyzing GDP and GNI towards achieving the targeted annual growth, why domestic investment was crushed since 1997 crisis, how the NEM or ETP could create a surplus in our economy, bla bla bla. Seriously I thought it's going to be a serious one I even cursed myself for forgetting my calculator.

But to my surprise, it was not an economically night at all. In fact there were lots of sense of humor and laughter. His speech was short and sweet, followed by numerous questions by the eager young adults.

Uh-uh, they're certainly eager. Each corner was full house with their curious minds and Najib tried to provide the best solutions for their concerns. It was certainly a refreshing sight to see, and was certainly intimidated by how the Gen Y audiences were really participating. 

Among the questions being raised and the solutions given:
1) Imported cars price to be deducted: Give me some ideas on how to get the revenue,then we can do this.
2) The next general election date. I am clueless myself.
3) Below 40 years old to be a Parliament members. Haha, will be considering that. 
4) Standardization of schools to promote unity (SRK,SJKC,etc) We have Sekolah Wawasan to achieve that purpose

and bla bla bla, many more. 

.  .  .  .

My presence there was truly for exposure purpose, and mostly for the fact that the targeted audiences was meant for young adults. Below 30 only dudes, Uncles and Aunties please give us chance-lah. I mean, which talk on economy that will draw such attention from people like us? 

Well apart from having a brilliant night, the only thing I wanted after I left the building was just a freaking good night sleep. Zzzzzzzz.