Saturday, July 23, 2011

Servicing People

"Kau orang tak buat kerja ka? Why on earth do I still haven't got my freaking statement!!?"

"Why is it here so slow? Other place is so much faster."

"I don't care how you do it,I want it right now! I have a lot of money you know,you can check"

. . . .

How would you like to deal with misery for almost everyday? Plus if you're lucky enough you'll get a high frequency voice screaming at your ears.

And yet you are to abide the rules by giving these people a sweet smile and a sweet voice to calm those climbing nerves. 

Walaupun rasa nak tendang jauh jauh

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This is customer service. And I have worked in this industry for a half decade. Customers from Food and Beverage industry to Banking industry. I have met all the angels and devils, well almost.

Let me tell you the real fact. I think I have lost half of my sanity, 5x chances of heart attack, 5 wrinkles under my eyes and 5 fine lines on my forehead.

Tambah lagi 5 tahun cepat mati

Your patience will be tested to the maximum, with some major learning in anger management. Imagine one minute you were having such a good conversation with one good person, and the next thing you know there is some maniac ready to cut your head off.

Well another fact is that you are paid to deal with variance of emotions, by sticking to the common ground rules of customer service.

Rule 1: "Customer is always right"
if customer is wrong;
Rule 2: "Customer is still and will always be right"

Yeah, try to have that upset mouth watering your face with the smelly saliva and bugging your brain with the ridiculous complaints while sticking to that rule. It ain't easy dude, it ain't easy.

Jantung confirm bergerak laju macam masuk marathon mengenangkan betapa bengong manusia ni

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Being a consumer myself, I know I am one particular customer. But when things are not rightfully done, ask properly. Customer service is just a stop-center for queries and complaints. Their job is to receive and accept every fault being put on their shoulder for other people's mistakes. Just because you have the right to defend your rights, that doesn't mean you may disrespect others. By being nice and say thank you,that surely will light up their day.

Image from