Friday, December 31, 2010


Ending a chapter leaves you with only two options:

Move on or Stuck on

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Bola ditendang sejauh 100 meter, diterima oleh Safee yang cuba berlari selaju angin. Satu-satunya harimau terakhir dikawasan lawan.

Dikiri cuba merampas. Dikanan cuba menjatuhkan. Dihadapan kelibat gemuruh pertahanan kelihatan. Kaki kiri dihayun sekuat mungkin, sepasti mungkin.



.  .  .  .

Syabas Harimau Malaya. You gave us reasons to be proud for who we are today.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Timur Lesson

Terengganu's vocab:

- Hitang legang
- Putih sepuk
- Kuning sior
- Meroh nyale
- Bulak getey
- Pak segi
- Kerah ketung
- Cair boley
- Tebal na'ung
- Nipih layang
- Panjang jolor
- Pendek sketuk

I suggest you get some assistance for pronunciations, if you really don't wish to see a penyu laughing right at your face.

Good luck. HAHA

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


    I don't sweet talk, 
                    Only truth.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Deep Conversation

Give me a question. ... No, lots of questions!

What kind of question?

Just anything! I need to have a conversation!

.... hmmm .......


Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*

.  .  .  .

This scene normally come into the picture when my good friend is trying to create a connection with this guy she's dating. If I really do treasure my peaceful life, then I need to come up with at least 50 effortlessly-smart questions.

You see, apart from Baby I love you so much I would die for you and Darling I swear you are my only one, you definitely talk about something else right? Unless you're a Shakespeare, you can't bluff me.

The trick of every question is that it will bring out the personality trait of a person indirectly. His or her mentality, perceptions, visions and thoughts; all will complete the pieces of an image as a whole. Questions should not just limit to the likes and dislikes, and of course you could already tell which team he's in if he's wearing a Manchester United shirt. Variety people, variety.


    "Calculate the value of y for which 2 Log 3y - Log 3 (y + 4) = 2"



Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik yang makin kuat*

HAHAHA. Okay serious time.

.  .  .  .

    "Define wealth"

    "Ten Chanel handbags and a Lamborghini? Or love and knowledge?"

It does not take a complicated question to get a simple truth. Understandably,the issue of significance and perspective is rather subjective. I didn't say that you both have to have the same interests. Can you imagine pretending liking a green spinach when your tummy is only craving for a plate of crabs,just for the sake of equal chemistry?

Hensem macam mana pun, pengorbanan ketamku adalah mustahil

Its about having the same vision. No matter which road you both travel, as long as its the same destination; you'll get there.

Eventually, you will see his true colors bit by bit. And you shall know if he will be your rainbow.

.  .  .  .

Babe, my brilliant brain just got this super intelligent question that he will think 'Whoa this girl is something"

Bring it!

How many bulu roma a homosapien has?


*sabun buku Dynamo and penyodok flying to my face*

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I find inspiration as a consistent need to rejoice my spirit of living. It can be from anything; people, good causes, music, etc. There is never a dead end for you will always find hopes in every little thing.

Often those who are unfortunate makes me feel ashamed of myself for whining over my problems which revolves only around my life. I mean come on, wouldn't you feel like slapping yourself for fussing over of not having a perfect dress for your prom when there are like thousands of Somalia kids don't even have a proper shirt?

Okay lets not focus on how we could get the funds to educate the Kenya girls yet. How about we go to the bottom of a problem? The birth of every solutions.

Dipersila memulakan Doktorat Izzatie

At your lowest point of life, what matter the most is how you want to see the circumstances you are in. If you wish to invite only the negative perspectives, then there will be a huge wall between you and any possible hopes. But if you wish to have some faith; just a little spark of faith, is good enough to help you get through.

Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul

The right to judge is not mine for the heartaches and hardships are fully encounter by the person. I mean; as much as I dont understand why certain people choose to do drugs, they wouldn't have understand either why I made certain foolish mistakes. I often replace the term of mistake with, learning.

The society have this tranparent guidelines between right and wrong, between what you should and should not be. Anyone that slip out of the line may have to carry the label of "bad", stamp on their forehead for perhaps, for the rest of their life. Those vulnerable emotions would not possibly have the strength to see any sign of hope when surrounded by eyes full of hatred and the looks of prejudices. Too much of weight on a person's mentality might lead them to end their own life, the part that we all fear.

Method to overcome a problem?

Talk about it. Spare your pain with someone that is trustworthy. The solution might not pop out right after the story part is done, but letting out those weight in your heart could help you calm down. This section should be strictly without judgement, it only takes listening to help. If you could or could not find anyone, He is always there.

Embracing. If it's a foolish mistake, accepting the fact that you have done wrong should be the first stage. There is a high possibility that you might fall into a denial stage, refusing our own scars.

Collecting courages. With the support of family or friends, it could be much easier. But when it's only you against the world, prepare your own shield. Tell yourself that you will change for the better, that you know you will make it happen someway somehow.

Finding solutions. Since solutions are not posted to our mailbox by God, it takes a few if not many ways, to find the right solutions. More like a trial-error stage. In the end you will find a way to your hardships that is within your capability.

Retain. Certain people takes a lifetime to achieve the stability stage. Often we stumble down in the process of rising up. Some even choose to give up. A consistent yet realistic target could help you find your way back slowly. If these changes means a life to you, no one else could stand in your way except yourself.

Dah habis bebel Doktorat Izzatie?

. . . .

Terasa diri itu betul sangat kah?

I am by far not a superhuman who could escape from making mistakes and enough strength to recover. But this is how I see it personally, a method that aged better with maturity. Not that my perceptions matter to anyone, but if it do give a little of hope to a person in need, I am more than grateful to share.

And of course, a smile work wonders too. Who knows if your destiny will smile back at you?

                                           Photo from
.  .  .  .

Tak sedar diri tulis sepanjang ni, gila.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Sejauh mana kita berlari,
       Jangan lupa dimana kita bermula.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


How do you feel when you have to kill yourself?


*Ini perempuan psycho ker gila? Atau kedua-duanya sekali?*


One word: Staggered.

.  .  .

I got my first job!

Alhamdulillah. Mari lompat katak bersama sama.

And the job description requires me to kill my natural character.

Okay mari terjun bangunan bersama sama.

Best known for my reserved personality, I normally have to dig the gold in my mouth to start a conversation. Otherwise smiles are the most common gesture. A friendly-born individual could not possibly understand a quiet-born individual. So let’s leave the judgment.

My mouth is the best asset to win in this sale industry. To fully utilize the asset, I have to come up with a strategy to murder myself.

Padan muka nak challenge sangat kan

So here’s my homicide plan:

1)      Smile. Even if the person is half pony half man.
2)      Firm handshake. Body contact is crucial.
3)      Friendly greeting. Hai cantik anting anting akak hari ini/ How are you?
4)      Get to know their interest. You look like you need something. Perhaps I can help you.
5)      Get to know their interest. More. Ooohhh ahhhh, I see. I definitely can help you one.
6)      Convincing. No worries, saya bukan Ah Long. Saya cuma mau tolong.
7)      Closing. Akak confirm tidak akan menyesal punya. Terima kasih banyak.
8)      Smile. Any Garfield would have slapped you for smiling too wide now.

8 simple steps to conquer the mind of people and make them think, "I totally need this".

Senang yer kak? Mudah sungguh untuk mulut berkata kata

Trust me, if you are good in these, I mean super-damn good; even Warren Buffet would have salute you. And did I mentioned that it was not easy?

Formula untuk berjaya:
Excellent communication skill + confidence = SUCCESS

Dear beloved mouth and brain, please be good to me.

.  .  .

These are my moments of battling with fears. We shall see if I will return as a winner, or as a dead meat.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cerita Cinta

Ada apa dengan Cinta?

To many, it’s where the prince charming meet the beautiful princess and voila, they live happily ever after.

Sangat indah bukan?

To many, cupid might have cheated a little bit. Allow me to ruin your happy imaginations; his arrows contain Phenylethylamine. In fact, lots of it.

Okay Miss Geek, Penyetlaming what?

You see, love potion does exist in pharmacy lab. It is the natural chemical that causes the common symptoms of love; including sweaty palms, shaky knees and general restlessness. Ever occur a sleepless night over an image of your crush? Cool, your system has just been invaded by this chemical.

And did I mention that Phenylethylamine is found mostly in chocolate? Right, so now you know exactly why chocolate is consider as the perfect romantic gift. Now go and indulge your crush.

Cik Cinta Phenyel ada dua orang kawan baik.

Cik Dopamine, the reason for making us glows and feels good and Encik Norepinephrine, that stimulates the production of adrenaline.

You may blame these three friends; if you are finally aware that your buttocks felt itchy when your crush was passing by or if you finally realized that your eye balls were on him or her for freaking two hours without blinking. Perhaps that would explain why his or her farts smell like blueberries too.

It makes your world go round.

Begitu hebat sekali penangan Cik Cinta Phenyel, Cik Dopam dan Encik Norep.

Infatuation that is. Not Love.

.  .  . 

Kenalkan Cik Endorphins.

This chemical is responsible for a more intimate and steadier relationship, when the infatuation subsides. You will not find yourself smiling over the wall like a distort cat or speak Shakespeare’s language portraying your affection for weeks anymore.

Calmness and stability that it has to offer creates the marriage.

Lagi banyak Cik Endor, lagi banyak Cinta.

What will happen when this chemical starts to worn out by time? Suddenly that favorite pair of eyes seems a bit boring now eh. Or perhaps you will start thinking what have gone wrong in your head when you said she’s the most beautiful woman on earth while Angelina Jolie is still exist.

Apakah kemikel kemikel ini semua?

Wujudkah Cinta?

.  .  .

Has science actually answer every significant creations or reasons? Has science actually come up with an intelligent chemical term to replace the word “Miracle”?

To be foolish over the temporary emotions or to be a realist without all the excitements, one can decide which storyline that he or she chooses to play.

I am however; still hopelessly believe in love despite knowing all the endless arguments of God’s purest gift. For one simple reason.

Kerana Cinta Dia,Yang Maha Esa; aku disini.