Sunday, May 1, 2011

You mean the Bumi to me.

A super girlfriend asked me:
"Are you actually happy?"
Stupefied by the random question.
".....Yes I am. Of course lah!"
".....But was that even a smile?"
Ya Tuhan. Aku dah senyum macam kambing dah ni.
"You ni robot"
"You ni nonsense"
.  .  .  .
An amazing guy asked me:
"Are you happy to see me here?"
"Very happy!"
"You know, I missed my bus,almost missed my flight,reached here and waited for an hour"
Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*
"Really, are you happy to see me?"
Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*
I guess my physical expression failed me, since my face didn't exactly portrayed how mesmerized I was by this guy. Really, where did you came from?


That weekend was supposed to be all about sending my good friend to Umrah. My expectations only varied from Doa Selamat, hugs and kisses perhaps with teary eyes in the airport, a weekend which will end with a date and smile from my champ on Sunday.
Oh dengan dinner yang mengorbankan semua binatang laut. Cukup perfect.
But He has planned even a more perfect weekend for me.
.  .  .  .
So the surprises started on Friday,early morning.
Okay 11am tak berapa pagi sangat dah si burung hantu
We planned to have our brunch, so off I went with my usual kelam kabut that when I reached the main door, I realized my cellphone was not with me.
Reversed my way back up, and there he was. Sitting quietly with a smile.
Time ni otak tengah confuse samada sedang berhalusinasi.
"Hi. Hehehehehehehe"
".....Tipu betul...Emm,kejap I ambik my handphone". Run my arse way upstairs, still in awe.
Right. Was that my man who just flew across the sea? For me? 
.  .  .  .
We had a huge seafood dinner at the TopSpot, with a ridiculously cheap price for 10 pax. My stomach was so happy I didn't care if my allergies will give me a swollen face with a crab mustache.
Begitu banyak binatang laut dikorbankan
Continued with supper at a cosy cafe nearby. The interior felt so homey with those super comfy couches. Well you couldn't really blame me for falling asleep macam lembu.
"Haapppyy Birthdayyyy to yooouuuu!!!"
I opened my eyes to smiling faces that came with a chocolate brownies and lighted candles.

Kek dah masuk perut pun masih tak percaya yang ini bukanlah mimpi semata.

.  .  .
On our way back from my surprise party, my good friend spilled a secret. *she's hopeless in this*
"Save your excitement. You have one more surprise left"
Biar benar. Kau siap pecah rahsia takbleh blah  -.-
Reached destination, he ran to get "something" and gave me a Mydin plastic bag with Vern's shoebox stamped RM39.90.
"Try lah if muat dengan size you"
I swear my heart was beating fast, excited to try my new shoe. I was hoping it was not a pair of 5 inch heels.

But I found this instead,
This is my present. A "shoe". Was I surprised?
Hell yes!
Ku kira parameter mulut yang ternganga sama sebesar buku lima.

"I figured you need this, as a friend whenever you're alone"
Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*
"At least you could BBM your friend, or me, since you always have your lunch alone"
Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*
"I bought this for almost a month. Can barely wait to see how big your smiles are. Suka tak?"
Kriuuk kriuuk *bunyi cengkerik*

My expression failed me big time. Deep down I was trying to digest which part of me that deserve such appreciations. Sorry love,the serendipity is indescribable. I was beyond happy.

.  .  .
The cakes, enough to last me for the next three years celebrations.


 .  .  .
A very thoughtful wishes from my childhood girlfriend, reminding me of how blessed I am to have her. Aawww,cita cita nak jadi Bumi dah tercapai.


DSZ: We may not be sisters by blood, but we are sisters by heart. Thank you for the efforts, from getting my arse on the plane right to the preparation of celebration. It was the best I ever had. Having you both is a blessing. 

Nat: The person who never fail to inspire me to become a better person, lighting up the gloomy days. What would I do without you sunshine? 

Champ: The reason of my reasons. Of everything,you still remain as the perfect gift of all. 

Well the only thing I need now is to pinch my face and a reminder of how old I am today. Seriously, I'm 24? Shoot.

* Excuse my mushy post. Well I know Sher must be puking somewhere.